Ncell doubles Saapati amount

August 02, 2017 : All Ncell prepaid customers will now receive more credit under the much appreciated service – Ncell Saapati. Ncell Private Ltd, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Saapati service, is introducing ‘Double Saapati’ scheme, under which customers taking the facility during emergency situations will now receive credit balance of Rs 40 at the same service charge.
The increased credit limit is coming into effect from Wednesday (August 2) onward. There is no change in the service charge of Rs 2 (exclusive of tax). Ncell has been providing Saapati facility of Rs 20 to the customers when their main balance is Rs 5 or less since 2012 under its initiative which aimed at making sure customers are able to communicate even when they are not able to recharge or in emergency situations.
“Saapati has been among the much appreciated service given the purpose it serves. Hence, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of this service, we are happy to unveil Double Saapati offer. We believe this will add value and contribute to enable our customers stay connected for longer period even when they are not able to recharge,” said Milan Sharma, corporate communications expert of Ncell.
All prepaid customers who have been using Ncell for at least two months are eligible to take Saapati facility. Customers can use the balance received under the facility to make calls and send SMS to any network, and also to use internet and other services in the Ncell network.
Prepaid customers can dial *9988# and follow the instruction to take the Saapati. Similarly, they can take the facility by just sending a blank SMS to 9988. The credited balance of Rs 40 and service charge Rs 2 (exclusive of tax) will be deducted when the customers top up their balance. If the recharged amount is less than Rs 40, the entire balance will be deducted and the remaining credit shall be deducted upon the next recharge. Customers can dial 17109 to get information about the service.
Double Saapati offer will remain in place for 90 days. Customers can take the service as many times as they need. Previous credit must be cleared to avail the Saapati facility. Customers can dial *901# to get information about remaining balance.