“Hamro Patro” more than just a calendar

"Hamro Patro" is more than just calendar, it has got following features,
1. Nepali Patro
a) Current time and nepali patro for 100 years with tithi and important events.
b) View upcoming events.
c) Get notification for important festivals and rituals.
d) Date conversion between nepali calendar – Bikram Sambat (BS) and Iswi Sambat (AD).
2. Nepali FM and Radio
a) Listen to 100+ nepali radio stations.
b) Interactive radio player with station cover art and station details including contact details, and program schedules.
c) Sleep timer for radio.
d) Maintain the favorite list of stations.
e) Search by station name and their location, and sort by popular stations, and alphabetically.
f) Integrated with android media framework- shows album art and music control in lockscreen
3. Foreign Exchange Rate
a) View daily foreign exchange rate as determined by Nepal Rastra Bank.
b) Colorful graph that shows exchange rate trends over last 30 days.
c) Currency exchange tool.
4. Gold and Silver Rate
a) View daily rate for gold and silver including the trends over last 30 days as determined by Nepal Gold and Silver association.
5. Rashifal (Horoscope)
a) View daily rashifal in nepali.
6. App Widgets
a) Five beautiful and colorful widgets.
b) Including 1×1 small widgets, 4×1 today widgets, 4×2 month widgets, and radio widgets
c) Lockscreen widgets for devices with JB(4.2)
7. Now with festival update. Now you can listen to Dashain dhun and Dashain music. You can also share e-cards and popular SMS messages.
8. Introducing new feature called "Nepali Birthday". Now, you can see your friends birthday in Nepali date. Also, you can send them eCards on their birthdays.
9. Photo Gallery
Now you can view beautiful images of Nepal, and set images as your own mobile wallpaper.
10. News – Get news from various news websites
11. Loadshedding Schedule
A must have app.
Website: http://www.hamropatro.com
Android app : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hamropatro&hl=en
iOS app : https://itunes.apple.com/np/app/hamro-patro-nepali-calendar/id401074157?mt=8