Hamro Patro App optimized version for iPAD and Apple Watch

Hamro Patro App optimized version for iPAD and Apple Watch

Feburary 26, 2017: Hamro Patro, one of the most downloaded Nepali App has released its new version optimized for iPad and Apple Watch. The new version 4.2.14 is released with some major changes that provides smooth user experience both in iPhones and Apple watch. The apple watch users can now enjoy all the features available in app in their Apple watch. Mr. Shankar Uprety, demonstrated a presentation at a program organized in Kathmandu. Mr. Uprety said “the new version is really attractive and it will certainly provide the users with smooth and fluid user experience be it on iPhones, iPads or Apple watch”.

Hamro Patro also officially released the Hamro Chatbot during the program. Hamro Chatbot is a partnership venture between Hamro Patro and Viber Media. Viber media has appointed Hamro Patro as the enabling partner for Chatbot. The Viber Public Account users can now make their own chatbot in just few minutes. The chatbot allows to interact with users using the artificial intelligence. Mr. Shankar Uprety said “the chatbot is not only useful for media houses but also equally useful for banks, corporates and brands to reach out to millions of viber users.”  

Hamro Patro app is one of the most popular app in Nepal with a huge user base. Mr. Santosh Devkota managing director of Smart Ideas Pvt. Ltd (Hamro Patro, Nepal Office) said Hamro Patro is not limited in just making apps but also emerging as a digital technology company in Nepal. 

Hamro Keyboard, Hamro News & Magazines, Hamro Ludo, Hamro Chatbot, Hamro Nepali Dictionary are some of the innovative products of Hamro Patro Inc. Hamro Patro is coming up with more innovative products in the days ahead to come.

To make the Chatbot one needs to go to edit info in public account and copy the app key and paste it after opening the page https://hamrochatbot.appspot.com/admin/#/register . You can now have your own customized chatbot as per your requirement.

For more information on viber chatbot please visit the page:

